Tuesday, 14 December 2021

'Driftwood by Starlight' (New PoetryCollection), Published Poetry, CV and Events (2021)


June 2021: published by The Seventh Quarry Press:
DRIFTWOOD BY STARLIGHT, a first full-length collection by Caroline Gill. 
Available here.
'With elegance and finesse, she masters a range of traditional forms, all of which beg to be read aloud so their musicality can be fully relished ...' 
- from the back cover blurb by Susan Richardson, author of Words the Turtle Taught Me (Cinnamon Press, 2018), shortlisted for the Ted Hughes Award.
Reviews, Readings etc. here.

* * *
14 December 2021 - I am delighted to be included in Matthew Stewart's 'Best Poetry Blogs of the Year' 2021 List on account of my posts about Driftwood by Starlight
Two poems published in Star Tips #144 (ed. Wendy Webb, the final issue): 'Song of the Christmas Camels' [71-2002] and 'Sea Star' [6-2014].


The Suffolk Poetry Society has just published a calendar for 2022, its 70th anniversary year. My villanelle, 'Dunwich in Winter' [28-2020] from my new collection, Driftwood by Starlight, is the featured poem for January. It also includes a poem by David Gill for October.
A small set of my poems, [25-2014], [25-2016] and [26-2004], was read out in Ipswich Library for a Suffolk Poetry Society celebration of National Poetry Day 2021, on the theme of 'choice'. 
'Migrant Hawker' [23-2012] was published in Star Tips #143 (ed. Wendy Webb) for Autumn 2021
Driftwood by Starlight is one of the featured books on the Subscribers' Showcase page at WritersOnline, here and here.  
'Your Yellow Sails'  [30-2020] has been published in the August issue of Reach Poetry, Indigo Dreams Publishing. 

'On a Knife Edge - Nature in peril UK' exhibition opened at the Lettering Arts Centre, Snape Maltings. Three of my poems have been published in 'On a Knife Edge', a Suffolk Poetry Society publication linked to the exhibition: 'Lines to a Linnet' [5-2021], 'Nest-stealer' [9-2021] and 'Mustelid Encounter' [2-2021].  

A poem [28-2020] has been selected for inclusion in the Suffolk Poetry Society's 70th anniversary 'publication'. 



On a Knife Edge has just been published by Suffolk Poetry Society (inspired by The Lettering Arts Trust exhibition, 'On a Knife Edge'). The publication contains three of my poems: 'Lines to a Linnet' [5-2021], 'Nest-stealer' [9-2021] and 'Mustelid Encounter' [2-2021].

27 May: 'Crossing Borders'. I took part in the annual Suffolk Poetry Society and Poetry Wivenhoe Crossing Borders event on the theme of 'Digging up the Past'. My set comprised 'The Women of Linear B' [9-2009], 'Wildfire' [11-2020] (the eruption of Vesuvius, 79AD) and  'Sleepover at the Museum' [9-2009].   

#DylanDay 2021

My poem, 'Tentacles and Tar' [9-2019] and a 'letter' have been published in Dear Dylan, a new Dylan Thomas anthology edited by Anna Saunders and Ronnie Goodyer, and published by Indigo Dreams Publishing.

My poem, 'The Gothic Arch' [8-2021], has been published on the Immagine e Poesia Dylan Day Celebration site.

My poem, 'Buzzing from the Bushes' [9-2020], has been published in #272 of Reach Poetry, Indigo Dreams Publishing. 


One of my puffin photographs appears on the cover of a poetry collection, Reading Between the Lines (Littoral Press), by Neil Leadbeater.


I read my poem, 'Wildfire' [11-2020], at the online launch (30 March) of the new Locked Down anthology, edited by Susan Jane Sims of Poetry Space Ltd. Do consider buying this book which is raising funds for Dr Mark Sim's fund for Cancer Research UK. 


The new Locked Down anthology, edited by Susan Jane Sims of Poetry Space Ltd, has just been published. It contains my poem, 'Wildfire' [11-2020].



My forthcoming poetry collection is mentioned on the NEWS section of the new website for The Seventh Quarry Press




My poetry blog has been included in Matthew Stewart's 'Rogue Strands Poetry Blogs of the Year' list for 2020.



An earlier post: CV for 2020

Previous publication: The Holy Place (2012), Poet to Poet chapbook #5, shared with John Dotson, published by The Seventh Quarry Press in conjunction with Cross-Cultural Communications, New York.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

'The Holy Place' chapbook, Published Poetry and CV (2020)

December 2020

  • 'Dunwich in Winter' [28-2020] has been published in A Special Place (Tuesday Poetry anthology 2020, ed. Jean Salkilld)
  • 'Song of the Christmas Camels' [71-2002] has been published in A Christmas Sparkle (St Andrew's Rushmere Mothers' Union Publication).  
  • My poetry blog has been included in Matthew Stewart's 'Rogue Strands Poetry Blogs of the Year' list for 2020.

November 2020

  • 'Travellers All' [19-2020] has been published in Star Tips for Writers #140, Winter (6) 2020 (ed. Wendy Webb) 
  • Joint 4th Place (Category A) in the Metverse Muse (ed. Dr H. Tulsi, India) 'Fixed Form' Roundel challenge with 'Sea Watch' [12-2019]. 'Hogmanay Blues' [6-2020]. 'The Warkworth Hermit' [10-2017], 'Winter's Knife' [12-2011], 'Unseasonal Splash' [12-2013] and 'Dragonfly Dance' [13-2013] have also been published in the journal's Diamond Jubilee isue (2020). 
  • 'Yesterday's Plan' [29-2020] has been published in the November issue of Indigo Dreams Publishing
  • I attended two online workshops at Poetry in Aldeburgh, 'Listening to the Coast' with Maria Isakova Bennett and 'Listening into Poetry' with Dr Mina Gorji.  


October 2020


September 2020

  • 'Mount's Bay' [21-2020] has been published in Reach Poetry #264, Indigo Dreams Publishing. 


August 2020

  • Two poems, [19-2020] and [21-2020], accepted for publication in Reach Poetry, Indigo Dreams Publishing.

July 2020

June 2020

  • My poem, 'Spring Fever in the South of France' [3-2019] has been awarded Second Place in the Petrarchan Sonnet Fixed Form Competition (Category A) for Metverse Muse, India. Two other poems, 'Butterfly Brooch from Raasay' [7-2017] and 'Thoughts from a Tudor Rose Garden' [4-2020] have been published in the Triple Issue 57-59 of the journal. 
  • My poem, 'Wildfire' [11-2020], has been accepted for 'Locked Down: poems, diaries and art from the 2020 pandemic, an international anthology of lockdown poems' to be published by Poetry Space (ed. Sue Sims). 

May 2020

  •  My poem, 'Elegy for Idris Davies' [55/2001], is now online here as part of the Poetry Library Southbank Centre's digitisation of The Seventh Quarry (ed. Peter Thabit Jones, Wales). 
  •  I completed Jim Bennett's (most enjoyable) PoetryKit course on 'Nature Poetry'.
  • My poem, 'Eris and the Apple' [13/2020], has been published alongside artwork by Jongo Park (South Korea) on p.69 in the 7th international eBook edition of Immagine e Poesia, edited by Huguette Bertrand (Canada) and Lidia Chiarelli (Italy). The anthology is dedicated to Lawrence Ferlinghetti to mark his 101st birthday.   


April 2020

  • My poem, 'Bound for Sicily' [19/2017], has been published in Reach Poetry from Indigo Dreams Publishing.
  • I completed Jim Bennett's (most enjoyable) PoetryKit course on 'Using Traditional Forms in Modern Poetry'.

Febuary 2020

  • My poem, 'The Beachcomber' [24/2018], has been published in Reach Poetry from Indigo Dreams Publishing.

January 2020

  • My poem, 'Warkworth Hermitage: a Place Apart' [29/2018], published in Reach Poetry from Indigo Dreams Publishing, was awarded 4th Place in The Box for the Readers' Vote.


* * *

2020 Poetry Summary - here
2019 Poetry Summary - here
2018 Poetry Summary -

2017 Poetry Summary -

2016 Poetry Summary -

2015 Poetry Summary -

2014 Poetry Summary -

2013 Poetry Summary -

2012 Poetry Summary -

2011 Poetry Summary -

Awards, Photography, Art and older CV items - here 

2012: The Holy Place, Launch and Reviews - here 

To buy a copy of The Holy Place (£3.50 for UK), please press the CONTACT bar here.