Thursday, 1 July 2021

'The Holy Place' chapbook, Published Poetry and CV (2020)

December 2020

  • 'Dunwich in Winter' [28-2020] has been published in A Special Place (Tuesday Poetry anthology 2020, ed. Jean Salkilld)
  • 'Song of the Christmas Camels' [71-2002] has been published in A Christmas Sparkle (St Andrew's Rushmere Mothers' Union Publication).  
  • My poetry blog has been included in Matthew Stewart's 'Rogue Strands Poetry Blogs of the Year' list for 2020.

November 2020

  • 'Travellers All' [19-2020] has been published in Star Tips for Writers #140, Winter (6) 2020 (ed. Wendy Webb) 
  • Joint 4th Place (Category A) in the Metverse Muse (ed. Dr H. Tulsi, India) 'Fixed Form' Roundel challenge with 'Sea Watch' [12-2019]. 'Hogmanay Blues' [6-2020]. 'The Warkworth Hermit' [10-2017], 'Winter's Knife' [12-2011], 'Unseasonal Splash' [12-2013] and 'Dragonfly Dance' [13-2013] have also been published in the journal's Diamond Jubilee isue (2020). 
  • 'Yesterday's Plan' [29-2020] has been published in the November issue of Indigo Dreams Publishing
  • I attended two online workshops at Poetry in Aldeburgh, 'Listening to the Coast' with Maria Isakova Bennett and 'Listening into Poetry' with Dr Mina Gorji.  


October 2020


September 2020

  • 'Mount's Bay' [21-2020] has been published in Reach Poetry #264, Indigo Dreams Publishing. 


August 2020

  • Two poems, [19-2020] and [21-2020], accepted for publication in Reach Poetry, Indigo Dreams Publishing.

July 2020

June 2020

  • My poem, 'Spring Fever in the South of France' [3-2019] has been awarded Second Place in the Petrarchan Sonnet Fixed Form Competition (Category A) for Metverse Muse, India. Two other poems, 'Butterfly Brooch from Raasay' [7-2017] and 'Thoughts from a Tudor Rose Garden' [4-2020] have been published in the Triple Issue 57-59 of the journal. 
  • My poem, 'Wildfire' [11-2020], has been accepted for 'Locked Down: poems, diaries and art from the 2020 pandemic, an international anthology of lockdown poems' to be published by Poetry Space (ed. Sue Sims). 

May 2020

  •  My poem, 'Elegy for Idris Davies' [55/2001], is now online here as part of the Poetry Library Southbank Centre's digitisation of The Seventh Quarry (ed. Peter Thabit Jones, Wales). 
  •  I completed Jim Bennett's (most enjoyable) PoetryKit course on 'Nature Poetry'.
  • My poem, 'Eris and the Apple' [13/2020], has been published alongside artwork by Jongo Park (South Korea) on p.69 in the 7th international eBook edition of Immagine e Poesia, edited by Huguette Bertrand (Canada) and Lidia Chiarelli (Italy). The anthology is dedicated to Lawrence Ferlinghetti to mark his 101st birthday.   


April 2020

  • My poem, 'Bound for Sicily' [19/2017], has been published in Reach Poetry from Indigo Dreams Publishing.
  • I completed Jim Bennett's (most enjoyable) PoetryKit course on 'Using Traditional Forms in Modern Poetry'.

Febuary 2020

  • My poem, 'The Beachcomber' [24/2018], has been published in Reach Poetry from Indigo Dreams Publishing.

January 2020

  • My poem, 'Warkworth Hermitage: a Place Apart' [29/2018], published in Reach Poetry from Indigo Dreams Publishing, was awarded 4th Place in The Box for the Readers' Vote.


* * *

2020 Poetry Summary - here
2019 Poetry Summary - here
2018 Poetry Summary -

2017 Poetry Summary -

2016 Poetry Summary -

2015 Poetry Summary -

2014 Poetry Summary -

2013 Poetry Summary -

2012 Poetry Summary -

2011 Poetry Summary -

Awards, Photography, Art and older CV items - here 

2012: The Holy Place, Launch and Reviews - here 

To buy a copy of The Holy Place (£3.50 for UK), please press the CONTACT bar here.


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